How to Transition from Boss to Situational Leader

a businessman is in front of a chart that compares a boss to a leader

When you want to grow from managing people as a “traditional boss” to truly leading people, there are a lot of changes you will need to make. Most importantly among them are 5 leadership skills that will set you apart. They are skills that have been found missing in leaders in almost every situational leadership training program that we have delivered over the last 20 years.

Before you begin reading the list, take stock of what you think are your personal strengths and weaknesses.  Be aware of your own limitations and be determined to improve. Ask for and be open to feedback from coaches, colleagues and subordinates. True leaders are willing to admit their shortcomings and are open to learning how to improve.

Here are 5 overall leadership skills that you can learn about in situational leadership training that will prepare you both for managing effectively (unlike the stereotypical “boss” described above) or for leading effectively:

  1. Motivate
    The best leaders understand what spurs their followers toward dedicated action. They know how to delegate and take advantage of what their employees like to and do best. They encourage and manage performance in a way that increases their employees’ discretionary effort and engagement.

  2. Inspire
    A gifted leader knows how to create a vision that inspires others to help realize it. Employees commit to their leader’s goals for the organization and know that their contributions are fully recognized and appreciated.

  3. Adapt
    Skilled leaders know that a big part of their job is to manage change effectively. They need to be able to communicate the reasons for change, overcome any resistance with the strength of their personality and example of commitment, and implement their change strategy with a positive and encouraging attitude.

  4. Plan
    Leaders are masters of strategy. They look at the big picture and then are able to translate the overall goals into steps to get there. They know what moves to make and they make them.  Their strategies are clear, believable and implementable.

  5. Develop
    Strong leaders believe in their people. They provide learning and career development opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Feedback and performance coaching become their tools for development, and their own commitment to continuous learning serves as the model.

Situational leadership is based on the premise that leadership is learned step by step as learners recognize the readiness and willingness of their followers to improve. How ready and willing are you to take that big step from manager to leader?

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A Modern-Day View of Situational Leadership

Cartoon of wo women walk along the street. One has a man hanging on to her ankle. She explains to the other: "A good team leader inspires intense loyalty."

The cartoon may be a bit extreme but it does illustrate how much our view of successful leaders has changed. It used to be that leaders were to be feared. They led powerful armies, built their empires through force and then secured them by the strength of their personalities. Think of Genghis Khan, Caesar, and Napoleon.   These infamous leaders are mostly remembered as ruthless, egotistical, charismatic and driven by short-term gains.  Genghis Khan, for example, cold-bloodedly conquered and ruled the most continuous empire in history - a self-made kingdom of nearly twelve-million square miles which survived for nearly seven hundred years.  

But times change.  Today’s effective leaders are very different. Their power comes from a different source. They don’t conquer with weapons of war. They lead with a different kind of strength.

Servant Leadership.  Instead of expecting to be served, the best leaders feel a mission to serve their constituents.  Successful leaders rely upon their teams to get things done. They know they can’t succeed on their own. They need the collaboration, accountability and commitment of their employees. 

Today’s best leaders don’t inspire through force but through trust. Because their employees believe in their integrity, leaders are able to lead. They are respected because they deliver on what they promise. They look out for their teams and their teams respond by looking out for them.

Likeable Leadership.  Recent research seems to support the belief that effective leaders are generally  liked by those in their organization. We all know it is easier to work hard for someone you appreciate and admire than for someone you dislike. As with any relationship, you feel more engaged and committed when you are with people you want to spend time with. So forget the domineering, hard-hearted, even cruel boss. The studies show that hated leaders have less than a .05% chance of being effective. 

Developmental Leadership.  Good leaders know how to develop others. Somewhere along the line they must have been exposed to the tenets of situational leadership training. They have a facility for recognizing strengths in their followers and providing helpful feedback. They seem to know intuitively how to motivate their followers to ever greater achievement. They know how to set clear expectations and then provide the resources needed to accomplish the tasks at hand. 

Personally, we prefer the more modern style of situational leadership. How about you?

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