Great Leaders Have both Smarts and Heart

Certainly great leaders need intelligence, vision, and persistence.

But we are told that they also need what has been called emotional intelligence…the kind of self-awareness and social skills that build trust and loyalty among followers. Leaders need to be flexible in the way they connect with people…sometimes tough, sometimes understanding…depending upon the individual’s preferred communication and working style and the specific task at hand.

Situational Leadership Training capitalizes on teaching the skill of flexing to the readiness of the follower. Managers learn how to shift their leadership style according to the situation and to the individual they want to lead. Their “smarts” come into play as they analyze the situation and their goal for the task. Their “heart” comes in as they sense the style that would be most effective as they lead. Does the follower need guidance or encouragement or explanation or observation?

Leaders with high emotional intelligence know almost instinctively which style to apply and when for best work results.  Others need help.

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