What To Do When Your Coaching Is Unwanted

What To Do When Your Coaching Is Unwanted

Coaching can be a very effective way to support employees and guide their efforts so they can improve their skills and take the next important step in their career. But what if an employee rejects your offer to coach them on to the next career peak?

There could be several reasons your coaching is unwanted. There could be a lack of trust that you as a manager have their best interests at heart; they may have had a bad experience where coaching was just another word for behavior readjustment; or, according to situational leadership training, they may not be ready to accept feedback on their performance or feel they don’t need any help. The first step is to understand why they are reluctant and enlist them as a willing partner in the coaching experience.

  • With honest curiosity and no judgment, try to find out the reason for their hesitancy.

  • Make sure they understand that you appreciate their work and that you expect there to be some mistakes along the way as part of the learning process.

  • Be clear about why you want to help them.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/situational-leadership-training-consulting/

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